Earn a future-focused, career-ready organization leadership and regional commerce degree.
Organizational Leadership and Regional Commerce founding faculty member Dr. Brandy Perkl leads the Access, Wellness, and Relational Determinants of Student Success in Education-Related Fields (AWARDSS) program for the University of Arizona.
The program is funded by the Institute of Education Sciences, is open to students of all disciplines that lead to a PhD program in an education-related field, such as education, social science, and public health.
AWARDSS is designed to provide upper-level undergraduate students, recent graduates, and masters students with experiences in conducting educational research while preparing participants for doctoral study. The training program includes faculty, students, and recent alumni from the University of Arizona's main campus and its partner, the College of Applied Science and Technology at the University of Arizona.

Learn about and apply to AWARDSS, an exceptional year-long training program to prepare you for doctoral study in an education-related field, such as education, social science, and public health.

Institute of Educational Sciences
Funded by the Institute of Educational Sciences, the nation's leading source for rigorous, independent education research, evaluation, and statistics.