Arizona Cybersecurity Clinic

Arizona Cybersecurity Clinic personnel operate across the following 3 functional areas:
- Instructional: The instructional area builds, updates, and delivers training and modules to students on the topics of risk and vulnerability assessment methodologies, conducting these types of assessments, analyzing results, and delivering results.
- Risk and Vulnerability Assessment: The risk and vulnerability assessment area consists of conducting client assessments, analyzing results, and communicating results to clients.
- Organization Outreach and Management: The organization outreach and management area oversees relationship development and developing partner profiles and continuity files.

Service Offerings:
- Comprehensive risk and vulnerability assessments.
- Mitigation and strategies to improve security posture. Alignment with Statewide Cyber Readiness Grant Program which provides funding for cyber resources:
- Reassessment to identify trends and further improve security posture.
- Security awareness training for organizations and community.