Human Services Minor Curriculum

Human Services Minor Curriculum

Minor in Human Services

Journey to a bachelor's degree as an Arizona Wildcat.

FSHV 401 - Basic Skills in Counseling

FSHV 401 covers selected counseling skills and their applications. Designed for students needing basic skills in counseling as an adjunct to other primary occupational functions. Approved as: Interdisciplinary course in FSHD major--Advanced Complementary perspectives

HUSV 301 - Introduction to Human Services

HUSV 301 provides an overview of human services. Examination of the history and current directions of human services, service delivery models, professional issues, systems and ecological perspectives, and the helping process

HUSV 310 - Identity, Positionality & Cultural Humility

HUSV 310 explores the dynamic relationship between personal and professional identity, and the impact this relationship has when working with individuals and communities from cultures other than our own. Key concepts of this course include: a life-long commitment to self-evaluation and self-critique; recognition of power-imbalances where none ought to exist; and recognition that cultural humility is larger than our individual selves, and must be advocated for systemically

HUSV 347 - Interpersonal Relationships in Human Services

HUSV 347 takes a scientific approach to interpersonal communication, focusing on issues that are central to understanding close relationships between romantic partners, friends, and family. Critical analysis of current theory in the field in order to compare and contrast these theories. Application of this theoretical information to the human services field

FSHV 384 - Leadership, Ethics, and Professional Practices

FSHV 384 teaches theories and applications of leadership and communication applied to professional decision-making, planning and control in the workplace. Examination of personal and professional qualities essential for successful internship and career planning. Roles, responsibilities, and ethical standards for professionals will be examined

HUSV 357 - Managing Death and Loss in Human Services

HUSV 357 includes basic concepts in a psychology of death and loss, adjustment to death and loss, and the underlying phenomenal, humanistic and current social considerations. Topics to be analyzed include: cultural denial of death, fears of death, stages of dying, types of death, and signs of impending death. Emphasis is placed on communicating with and working with the dying. Stages of grieving, chronic grief, the disruptive changes in the family system, and strategies for grieving effectively. Current theories of death and loss will be analyzed and applied to human service situations

HUSV 367 - Spirituality in Human Services

HUSV 367 is an overview of the role of spirituality for human services professionals, and assists in understanding contexts of personal spiritual beliefs and how to integrate these personal values with human services professional values. The differences between spirituality and religion will be discussed, and the role of diverse definitions of spirituality as an asset for mental well­being and quality of life will be explored for various community groups

HUSV 371 - Parent, Family, and Community

HUSV 371 examines the modern family and its relationships with emphasis on young children and their ecosystems, interprofessional collaboration for early intervention

HUSV 403 - Integrative Health and Human Services Advocacy

HUSV 403 explores patient navigation and application of integrative health self-care in order to improve human services advocacy. To successfully work within the community, it is important to understand the mechanisms and drivers behind current health trends

HUSV 404 - Health and Wellness in Human Services

Life expectancy and causes of death have traditionally been used as key indicators of population health. While these indicators provide critical information about the health status of populations, they do not offer any information about the quality of the physical, mental, and social domains of life. In HUSV 404 we will explore multi-dimensional domains of health and wellbeing, at the personal, community, and institutional levels

HUSV 410 - Introduction to Group Procedures and Theory

HUSV 410 conducts an examination of theories, practices and issues relevant in groups.  Emphasis on the following group topics: communication, membership, group norms and deviancy, leadership, systems view, developmental stages, self-help, and peer counseling groups

HUSV 420 - Introduction to Crisis Intervention

HUSV 420 provides an introduction to the crisis intervention process for para-professionals.  Topics include assessments, intervention, and referral.  Examination of: settings for crisis intervention, crisis intervention theories, types of crisis issues and clients

HUSV 430 - Substance Abuse Theory and Counseling

HUSV 430 conducts an examination of issues surrounding substance abuse.  Course topics include: impact of use on the individual, families and society, models of addiction, drug classification, assessment methods, intervention models, support groups, confidentiality, and ethics.

HUSV 440 - Introduction to Psychopathology

HUSV 440 provides an overview of mental disorders, etiology, prevalence, diagnostic criteria.  The impact of disorders on those diagnosed and their families.  An introductory course for those planning to work in paraprofessional settings

HUSV 450 - Human Services: Multicultural Perspective

HUSV 450 addresses multicultural theory and principles within human service settings, including in development and multicultural paraprofessional counseling