Masters Cyber & Information Operations

Master of Science, Cyber & Information Operations

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There is continued and increasing demand, both within the United States and worldwide, for qualified cyber professionals. Cybersecurity Ventures, a leading professional publication in the cybersecurity field, reports that there were 3.5 million unfilled jobs in 2021.

It is not simply government and defense industries that are seeking qualified cyber professionals. Cybersecurity is the #1 business risk, with cybercrime expected to cost the world $7 trillion USD in 2022. Because of this high demand, CAST has seen enrollment in its Cyber Operations undergraduate degree and certificate programs grow from 274 in 2019 to 1311 in Fall 2022, a growth rate of 380% over three years. CAST believes that the demand for the MS in Cyber and Information Operations will follow this trajectory, and will likely outpace our ability to meet that demand.

The MS in Cyber & Information Operations degree program is primarily targeted toward working professionals. CAST has always been at the forefront of online education, ensuring that online classes provide the greatest possible opportunity for interaction, collaboration, hands-on learning, and research while recognizing the challenges faced by working adults. The program provides an accessible and flexible graduate program to working professionals both in and out of technologically-oriented disciplines.

The MS in Cyber & Information Operations degree program is offered fully online through CAST’s unique and state-of-the-art Cyber Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). The academic and research content of the VLE is built around Cyberapolis, a virtual world where students learn and practice both their offensive and defensive cyber skills. The VLE is an unstructured, synthetic, live environment designed to replicate the real internet; providing a realistic, non-scripted platform that forces students to synthesize and apply what they learn.

Students who graduate with the MS in Cyber and Information Operations degree will have tremendous opportunities in government, defense, and private industry, as this graduate program will meet the most demanding academic and technical requirements. Graduates will also be well-qualified to teach future generations of Cyber and Information Operations students, which is an area within the discipline where there is a significant gap in the number of qualified professionals with the knowledge and skills to be instructors at any level.

Admission Requirements

Each program at The University of Arizona has its own set of requirements in addition to the Graduate College minimum requirements.

Program Admissions Requirements


  • Students must successfully pass the Python Challenge, a Python skills assessment


  • Students who do not meet the computer programming requirement will be required to successfully complete of CYBV 500: Security Programming

Cost of Attendance

  • The program is offered in the Arizona Online campus. Please see the Tuition Calculator for more information

Course Format

  • All courses are asynchronous
  • Courses are 7.5 weeks long with full-time and part-time options
    • Culminating course (CYBV 909/CYBV 910) only offered in a 15-week format

Application Deadline

Domestic Applicants -

  • Fall: July 1st
  • Spring: December 1st
  • Summer: April 1st

International Applicants -

  • Fall: June 1st
  • Spring: November 1st
  • Summer: March 1st

Please email with questions

Graduate College Admissions Requirements

Required Documents for Application

  • At least one academic or professional letter of recommendation.
  • Current resume or CV.
  • Purpose of Graduate Study that outlines your goals and objectives for obtaining the degree and how successful completion of the degree will impact future academic and/or professional career goals.
  • Transcripts:
    • Copies can be uploaded during the application process.
    • Once formally admitted, official transcripts from all previous institutions attended.
  • Completed Graduate College Application in GradApp and application fee paid.


Major Requirements


Computer Programming Requirement OR CYBV 500: Security Programming – 3 units

Total units required to complete degree: 30

CORE (21 units):

• CYBV501: Principles of Cybersecurity—3 units

• CYBV523: Covert Python—3 units

• CYBV529: Cyber Law, Ethics & Policy—3 units

• CYBV579: Cloud Security—3 units

• CYBV626: Traffic Analysis—3 units

• CYBV660: Zero Trust Defensive Techniques—3 units

• CYBV685: Information Warfare—3 units


• CYBV 909: Master’s Report in Cyber & Information Operations—3 units


• CYBV 910: Master’s Thesis in Cyber & Information Operations—3 units

ELECTIVES (6 units):

• CYBV525: Cyber Physical Systems – 3 units

• CYBV528: Operational Tradecraft in the Information Environment—3 units

• CYBV581: Privacy and Regulatory Requirements in Cybersecurity – 3 units

• CYBV630: Industrial Control System Security – 3 units

• CYBV680: Computational Propaganda—3 units

• CYBV683: Strategic Cyber Management—3 units

• CYBV 696: Special Topics in Cyber & Intelligence Operations—3 units

Review the Graduate Student Handbook here: Graduate Student Handbook