
Enterprise Leadership Minor Curriculum


Strengthen your major degree program with enterprise leadership skills.


LDRV 302 - The Leadership Function (3 units)

LDRV 302 will help students focus on the dynamics of the supervisory and leadership function in both private and public organizations. Students will gain an understanding of the cognitive roles that make up the supervisory/leadership process as well as how to apply supervisory and leadership theory to actual situations in the workplace.

LDRV 471 - Psychology of Leadership (3 units)

LDRV 471 conducts an overview of psychological theories of leadership. Reviews leadership as a process, leader and follower behaviors, and situational characteristics. Analysis of historical and modern case studies will be used to apply theoretical concepts.


Student will choose three courses (9 units) from the following courses.

LDRV 303 - Negotiations (3 units)

LDRV 303 focuses on the development of negotiation and conflict resolution skills.

LDRV 305 - Organizational Behavior (3 units)

LDRV 305 integrates classical and current organizational psychosocial theories and theories of organizations that provide an understanding of the effects that an organizational system has on the behavior choices of human beings in the work environment.

LDRV 397 A/B - Junior-Senior Mentoring Workshop (397A = 1 unit; 397B = 2 units) 

LDRV 397 covers the practical application of theoretical learning within a small group setting and involving an exchange of ideas and practical methods, skills, and principles for various topics that relate to the field of Organizational Leadership.

LDRV 400 - Developing and Maintaining Work Teams (3 units)

LDRV 400 emphasizes on the development of the skills needed by supervisors in creating, developing, and maintaining high performance work teams in the organizational environment.

LDRV 401 - Leadership in a Diverse Environment (3 units)

LDRV 401 focuses on developing basic management skills to motivate and lead employees, improve organizational performance, and succeed amid diversity within the organization.