Career Essentials

Career Essentials

Resumes & CV  |  Cover Letters  |  Personal Statements  |  Online Profiles

Resume/Curriculum Vitae/Cover Letter or Personal Statement Reviews
Please email your documents to for feedback within 3 business days.

Career documents such as a resume, curriculum vitae, cover letter or personal statements are often the first, and sometimes only glimpse that an employer has before they select who moves forward in an interview process. In addition, a vast majority of companies, in fact 95% of Fortune 500 companies and a large majority of government agencies are utilizing Applicant Tracking Systems, or ATS to evaluate candidates before a human ever sees a resume. Understanding how to use ATS technology to boost your resume in meaningful ways can get you to that next step of an interview or a skills assessment, and closer to landing a position.

Resumes & CVS 

Cover Letters

Personal Statements

Online Profiles