Deception, Counter-Deception & Counter-Intelligence
Bachelor's Degrees
Cybersecurity Information Warfare
Course Description
CYBV437 will provide students with an introduction to the concepts of deception, counter-deception, counterintelligence, and psychological operations. A survey of how these concepts are used in adversarial Information Operations and why they are among the most effective mechanisms to sway public opinion will be presented. Students will use interactive exercises to become familiar with how to detect deception campaigns as well as the mitigation strategies to defend against them.
Learning Outcomes
The student will:
- Identify and describe how the principles of deception, counter-deception, counterintelligence, and psychological operations can be used to deceive and manipulate populations and organizations
- Describe and demonstrate how deception and denial campaigns are coordinated to achieve Information Warfare goals
- Define and explain the basic deception principles; planning functions; and operational management tasks that are used to conduct information operations
- Describe and explain how to detect deception operations using channel management and analysis
- Describe and explain the mitigation strategies that can be used to defend against adversarial deception operations
- Identify and explain how to use deception techniques to counter Nation State Actors in Cyberspace
Course Objectives
The student will:
- Design, craft, and implement a social media deception campaign within the CyberApolis virtual world to demonstrate how susceptible normal users are to falling victim to legitimate looking interactions on social media platforms.
- Design, craft, and launch an Open Source deception campaign within the CyberApolis virtual world to determine the detection rate of “fake news” delivered by online news platforms.
- Conduct an interactive exercise within the CyberApolis virtual world designed to determine how to identify and counter adversarial deception campaigns.
- Analyze different case studies to determine how deception techniques can be used to counter Nation State Actors in Cyberspace.