
Human Services Resources

In your final semester, you will complete HUSV 498: Senior Capstone.

BEFORE heading into your senior year, schedule a meeting with the Human Services Program Director to discuss your plan of study, workload, and specific details of HUSV 498.

  • You are not able to self-enroll in HUSV 498 - you must have the approval of the Human Services Program Director

  • There are two academic deliverables: 1. Research Project and 2. Portfolio (refer to More Capstone Information, linked below)

  • Some students choose to complete both their internship and capstone in the final semester. This is beneficial because your capstone research project can help inform your internship fieldwork. Note: You can choose to complete your internship and capstone in separate semesters.

  • HUSV 498 and HUSV 493 are only available in spring and fall semesters (not summer)

  • It is strongly advised that you complete FSHV 408 in your second-to-last semester or earlier. Attempting to complete FSHV 408 in combination with HUSV 498 and HUSV 493 in the same semester is an unrealistic workload. Please plan your final semester in advance to ensure the workload is realistic and manageable for you.

Preparing Components (Artifacts) For Your Portfolio

  • Save ALL assignments from your classes. Ideally you should also save the assignment instructions, instructor feedback, and score.

  • When you save your assignments, be sure to give the files descriptive titles including course code, number, and assignment title.
    This will help you identify appropriate assignments to align with the Expected Learning Outcomes (ELOs, linked below) of the Human Services program.

  • Assignments from core Human Services classes must be represented in your alignment with ELOs. The core classes in the Human Services program are: HUSV 301, HUSV 310, HUSV 326, AEDV 310, FSHV 384, FSHV 408, HUSV 493, and HUSV 498.

  • As a UArizona student you have access to free cloud storage. A sign-up for Free UA Cloud Storage is linked below.

  • Be sure to store all of your assignments using cloud storage - this will allow you to easily and safely store, organize, and then find your assignments when needed. Please do not rely on your personal computer or a flash drive for storage.

  • Create an index document that you will store with your assignments and update regularly - this will save you time when aligning assignments with ELOs.


More Capstone Information

Expected Learning Outcomes

Cloud Storage