BAS in Organizational Leadership & Regional Commerce
Journey to a bachelor's degree as an Arizona Wildcat
Regional Commerce
RNCV 311 - Market Planning
RNCV 311 provides an in-depth exploration of the 4 P's of marketing: product, price, place and promotion. This course addresses all the components of marketing in detail with a marketing plan being the main project.
RNCV 417 - The Global Community of Commerce
RNCV 417 deals with the relationship of international trade and the social responsibility in contributing to the economic development of developing countries.
RNCV 467 - Social Aspects of Entrepreneurship
RNCV 467 reviews the components of social entrepreneurship and how one can use it in creating social value; and will address how social entrepreneurship can occur in all three public sectors: public, business, and non-profit.
RNCV 423 - The Economic Impact of Tourism and Entertainment
RNCV 423 will take the foundations of economic development, small business, tourism, and entertainment and apply them to a needs assessment project that focuses on the use of tourism or entertainment for the development of a local or regional economy. A tourism or entertainment needs assessment project is the main project in the course.
RNCV 424 - The Economic Impact of Service and Trade
RNCV 424 will take the foundations of economic development, business, entrepreneurship, trade, service, and manufacturing and apply them to a service or trade business plan for the development of a local or regional economy. A business plan on a new service or trade business idea is the main project in the course.
RNCV 306 - The Target Market and Distribution Channels
In RNCV 306 students explore, in depth, the nature of an enterprise's potential customer field, including how the target market is defined for a commercial enterprise.
RNCV 313 - Trade and Business Control Systems
RNCV 313 conducts an examination of business control systems and their value to organizational business decision-making. Control processes that utilize statements of cash flows, financial statement analysis, cost and managerial accounting outputs will be studied.
RNCV 493 - Internship
Specialized work on an individual basis, consisting of training and practice in actual service in a technical, business, or governmental establishment.
LDRV 303 - Negotiations
LDRV 303 focuses on the development of negotiation and conflict resolution skills.
LDRV 305 - Organizational Behavior
LDRV 305 integrates classical and current organizational psychosocial theories and theories of organizations that provide an understanding of the effects that an organizational system has on the behavior choices of human beings in the work environment.
LDRV 401 - Leadership in a Diverse Environment
LDRV 401 is focuses on developing basic management skills to motivate and lead employees, improve organizational performance, and succeed amid diversity within the organization.
Other Courses
PSYV 375 - Industrial and Organizational Psychology
PSYV 375 conducts an application of the principles of psychology to industrial and social organizations, including personnel, human factors, organizational and consumer psychology
PSYV 471 - Psychology of Leadership
PSYV 471 provides students an overview of psychological theories of leadership. Reviews leadership as a process, leader and follower behaviors, and situational characteristics. Analysis of historical and modern case studies will be used to apply theoretical concepts.
GPSV 341 - International Organizations
GPSV 341 provides students with a basic acquaintance with the United Nations and other major international organizations. One of the fundamental trends in the present and future world is the increasing and ever more complex interdependence between nations. To cope with that, conventional unilateral and bilateral means are insufficient. Multilateral approach - cooperative and competitive
GPSV 442 - International Law
GPSV 442 takes students through the international state system; legal-political problems, including territory, environment, seas.