
We recognize that a bachelor’s degree in applied sciences requires significant field experience with seasoned mentors. Mentors who can model and supervise interns as they develop professionally and assist graduates to be workplace ready and/or ready for the rigors of graduate school.
By enrolling in the Human Services Internship course (HUSV493), students will complete three internship units (the online component), plus a total of 135 hours of field experience with an approved internship site. This experience will be completed during the student’s senior year. We invite our students to apply for up to 215 hours utilizing previous relevant experience to fulfill our program’s accreditation requirements with CSHSE.
HUSV493: Internship in Human Services (Required: 135 hours)
Students are mentored by a faculty supervisor, Dr. Rea and an approved internship field-site supervisor in 135 hours of internship work (for a 3-credit internship). Students will also via the online component of HUSV 493 through D2L to connect with their peers to discuss experiences, observations, challenges, and successes, and participate in professional development activities.
The internship is a cooperative effort undertaken by various community agencies, CAST, the Human Services program, and you (the student), in fulfilling the following objectives:
For students admitted to the Human Services program in or after Spring 2022:
- Successful completion of a minimum of 215 hours of previous relevant experience (see below) with a focus on human services. Students must have submitted their previous relevant experience assessment form and received approval from Drs. Wallace or Rea to enroll in HUSV 493.
- Must have been accepted into the Human Services major and have completed HUSV 301 and HUSV 326 with grades of C or better.
A 3-credit internship requires:
- Successful completion of 135 hours of field experience completed simultaneously during the online course component (HUSV 493).
- Bi-weekly field hours may be flexible. On average, aim to complete 9 hours of work per week for 15 weeks.
- Weekly input to the D2L course site; discussions and assignments.
- Completion of professional development modules.
- Establishment and practice of a self-care plan.
- A final written internship report.
- A final oral presentation of your internship experience.
Required Documents
- Human Services Program Handbook
- Human Services Internship Manual
- Internship Work Plan
- Internship Policies Guide
Previous relevant experience is considered learning gained outside a traditional academic environment. That includes, but is not limited to, learning and knowledge students acquire while working, participating in employer training programs, internship, and externship experiences, precepting, volunteering, community service, and hands-on professional development.
To meet this internship requirement, we invite our students to apply for up to 215 hours utilizing previous relevant experiences. An additional 3 internship units (135 hours) will be completed by enrolling in the Human Services Internship course (HUSV493), during the student’s senior year.
For those students that cannot meet the previous relevant experiences criteria, alternative arrangements must be discussed with the Human Services Internship Team. One option may be to enroll in up to 5 internship units (HUSV 393) in the student’s junior year.
We will do our best to make this process simple. We will consider all previous relevant experiences that can be formally verified, and that can reasonably be applied to the Human Services program accreditation requirements.
Please review this document in its entirety before submitting a previous relevant experience for review: Human Services Previous Relevant Experience Assessment Requirements.
When you are ready, submit your previous relevant experiences here for evaluation:
Previous Relevant Experience Evaluation Form
If there is an internship site you are interested in that is not on the Internship Placement Sites list, please email to see if it will qualify.
For assistance in reaching out to potential internship placement sites, reach out to the CAST Career & Engagement Professional at