Network Operations Curriculum
BAS in Applied Computing
Journey to a bachelor's degree as an Arizona Wildcat.
Emphasis Area Courses
Required for students in the Network Operations emphasis.
NETV 370 - Introduction to Network Design and Architecture
NETV 370 introduces modern network design and architecture. Students will learn modern network design and network architecture concepts, security in modern networks, the cost of modern networks, software-defined networks (SDN), network virtualization framework (NVF), quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience concepts (QoE), Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud infrastructures.
NETV 371 - Network Security Principles
NETV 371 provides in-depth coverage of current risks and threats to an organization's information including methods of addressing the safeguarding of these critical assets. Coverage includes theoretical and historical background necessary to understand the various risks and hands-on techniques for working in the security field.
NETV 374 - Routing: Theories and Applications
NETV 374 focuses on both theoretical and application concepts of IP addressing techniques, intermediate routing protocols, command line interface configuration of switches, and VLANS.
NETV 375 - Advanced Routing and WAN Technologies
NETV 375 focuses on both theoretical and application concepts advanced IP addressing techniques including Network address translation, port address translation, and DHCP. Wan terminology and technology to include: PPP, ISDN, Frame Relay and overall network management.
NETV 379 - Cloud Computing
NETV 379 covers the theory and application of cloud computing, including Cloud Computing network design and connectivity, server management, best-practices, security, and provider service level agreements. Case studies of industry examples are used as applications to reinforce the discussed theories.
NETV 479 - Advanced Cloud Computing
NETV 479 reviews the theory and application of cloud computing. It builds upon this and delves into advanced cloud computing concepts including virtualization, containerization, microservices, cloud storage and programming, software-defined architectures (compute, storage and networking), and advanced cloud security. There is a significant application of hands-on exercises to give the student a practical understanding of these advanced topics.