Information Management Degree

BAS in Applied Computing
Journey to a bachelor's degree as an Arizona Wildcat.
The World Economic Forum identified Data Analysts and Scientists and Big Data Specialists as two of the top emerging jobs in its "Future Jobs Report."1 Big data specialists harness vast amounts of data and transform it into insights that drive business decisions. Payscale lists the average Data Engineer salary at $93,276 / year.2
The Information Management emphasis prepares you to develop information processing solutions that provide organizations with enhanced insight, decision-making ability, and process automation. Your work will allow businesses to make data-driven decisions to serve customers better and compete more effectively in the global market.
Our information management degree focuses on the visualization, management, and analysis of digital information. You will master the foundations of database systems, web design, programming, data visualization, and analysis. These skills will help prepare you to pursue careers in high-demand fields ranging from database administration, data analysis and engineering, web development, and information architecture.
When you study at the College of Applied Science & Technology, a wealth of resources at the University of Arizona are available to support your talent and determination. You’ll earn the same degree as on-campus students. Same faculty. Same curriculum. Same accreditation. 100% online.
1 "The Future of Jobs Report 2020: Emerging and Declining Jobs," World Economic Forum
2 "Average Data Engineer Salary," Payscale